DATE – Thursday


Warm-up: 2 rounds

8-10 V-ups / Hollow rocks

8-10 Superman holds (2s)

50’ Duck walk

50’ Sampson lunge

50’ Banded side step (switch half way)

10 Banded air squats


Mobility: Green band – hip opener lunge


WOD A) Back Squat: 7 min – warm up to  70-80% of 1 RM

Then, EMOM x 8: 2 back squats + 4 burpees (AFAP)

(Partners start on the 30s each round.)


WOD B) (Partner WOD) 10 rounds for time:

300m Row

15 Wallballs (20/14lb)


(Alternate complete rounds with your partner (5 each), row may start as soon as your partner completes their last wallball.)