Sunday January 26th

Warm up: 8-10 min dynamic with hip and shoulder snatch prep.
Mobility: Lacrosse ball: to the glutes/hips for 90s/side, then upper back with overhead reaches (One or two balls)
WOD A) 6-8 building sets of 1 snatch balance + 1 overhead squat (15 min)
WOD B) 6-8 sets of 2 position snatch (high hang, then just above the knees)
WOD C) Spend 5 min on tech/practice for WOD movements/scale options  (keep volume low) then:
For time: (15 min cap)
Strict pull-ups (either grip)
Handstand Push-ups

1 rope climb each round (5 total)

(Rx+ = strict HSPU, legless climbs)