


60 secs Lacrosse ball sub-scap each side

60 secs Triceps roll each side – use a roller or lacrosse ball on top of a bench

30-40 secs per position/arm, shoulder stretch with green band; pecs, bully

5 mins lower body warmup; hip circles, leg swings, clean/squat prep



WOD A) (20 mins) Alternating EMOM x 12 mins – 7-8 mins to get to a starting weight. You can add during the workout if needed:

3-position Power Clean (floor, above knee, hi hang **hi/knee/floor for beginner**) – Make sure you can move weight fast/unbroken

8-12 Wallballs 20/14lb (must be unbroken)

*Record weight used and reps completed each minute


WOD B) For time:


1000m Sandbag Run 70/45lb – use a slamball or go un-weighted if know you will struggle to keep pace carrying an object

1000m Row