DATE – Tuesday


Warm-up) Quick dynamic stretch/joint prep:

Wrist/Shoulder circles

Hip Circles/Leg Swings


Tech) Snatch Drills w/PVC pipe or empty bar:


3 Rounds (Rest 10-20 secs between rounds):

3 x Hi-hang Power Snatch

3 x Hang Power Snatch

3 x Power Snatch

3 x Overhead Squat

3 x Pressing Snatch Balance

3 x Snatch Balance

1 x 3-position Snatch (Hi-hang, above knee, full)


WOD A) 7×1 3-position Snatch (Hi-hang, above knee, floor):


*7 mins to get to starting weight then perform 1 set every 90 secs (on the clock).

**Focus 100% on PERFECT mechanics before you add load to the bar. 20 burpee penalty for failing a set because you prioritized weight over technique. Start at approx. 60-65% of 1RM Snatch and build if form allows.


WOD B) Alternating Tabata – 16 Rounds total:

KB Swings 32/24kg


*Score = total reps