DATE – Thursday





WOD A) Alternating EMOM x 10 mins


1) Shoulder Press x 4-5 reps – Heavy as possible (75%+)

2) Barbell Row x 6-8 reps – Heavy as possible




1) 5 min AMRAP ladder:

2 Chest to Bar Pullups

2 Hand Release Pushups

*Add 2 reps each round; 4,6,8,10 etc.


-Rest 3 mins-


2) 21-15-9 of:

Ball Slams 40/30lb

Box Jumps 30/24”


-Rest as needed-


3) 3 min partner Rope Climb AMRAP – Partner up and alternate reps for 3 mins


WOD C) TAKE CARE OF YOUR SHOULDERS: Stretch with band and/or do some targeted work with a lacrosse ball