Thursday, 29 September, 2016


6-8 mins quick banded shoulder stretches 30-40 secs each position:
Pecs, Lats, Shoulder Extension

Get yourselves organized and warmed up for WOD A!
*Start WOD A by 12 mins into class


***Repeat from July 8th***

Alt. E2MOM x 8 sets (4 sets each)

1) Weighted Dip x 3
-Build to a weighted 3RM or thinnest band possible
-Choose Bar or Ring Dips. It is preferable that you do Bar Dips if you cant add more than 5-10lbs to a Ring Dip.

2) Max UB Kipping or Butterfly Pullups
-Score is total of 4 sets combined
-leave a couple of reps in the tank for the first couple of rounds
-Scale to a band that allows 6-10+ reps on first round


(22 mins total)
Start on either one of the two workouts and score them both separately. Classes bigger than 14 will NEED to have people start on different workouts.

10 min partner AMRAP, alt. COMPLETE rounds with your partner:
30 Double Unders
10 Alt. DB Snatches 70/50lb

-Choose progressions / rep schemes that allow for unbroken rounds most of or all of the way through.
-First round should be complete in 60 secs or less
—2 min rest/transition to part 2—

10 min partner AMRAP, alt. COMPLETE rounds with partner
10/7 Cal Assault Bike
15/12 Pushups

First round should be complete in 60 secs or less, scale bike cals and pushup reps accordingly


Banded P-chain floss 1-2 mins per side
Banded Pecs stretch 1-2 mins per side
Banded Lats stretch 1-2 mins per side