


8-10 mins dynamic – hips and ankles focus

Banded Shoulder stretches: front rack, overhead, pecs


WOD A) E2MOM x 6 sets: 3-position Snatch (hi-hang / above knee / floor)

50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 70%


WOD B) E2MOM x 6 sets: 3-positon Clean + 1 Jerk (hi-hang / above knee / floor)

50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 70%


*Keep technique perfect and weight moving fast ready for test week this week


WOD C) 4 Rounds NFT:

1) 3 Pause Front Squats @ 55-65% (3 secs pause in the bottom)

2) 15 Banded Situps

3) 8 Single Arm KB Rows per arm

*Rest 40-60 secs between exercises