


5 mins Lower Body Dynamic

Banded Glute Activation


WOD A) Back Squat:


E2MOM (minute in brackets)

0) 5 @ 60%

2) 3 @ 70%

4) 1 @ 80%

6) 5 @ 70%



8:30) 3 @ 80%

11) 1 @ 85%

13:30) 1 @ 90%

16) 1 @ 95% – Don’t attempt a new 1RM, if it feels ‘light and fast’, it means the program is working!




B1) 4 min AMRAP: Squat Cleans (Adv: 155/105 Int: 115/80 Beg: 95/65 – use a weight that is challenging but you can keep a consistent pace with)


-30 secs transition-


B2) 3 min AMRAP: Double Unders


-30 secs transition-


B3) 2 min AMRAP: Burpee Pullup Bar Touches approx. 4-6” above reach