40 secs on / 20 secs off x 2 rounds of each – start on any station and move in order:
1) Assault bike
2) Crossover 90/90
3) Skipping / double unders
4) Crossover bear hug


The Ring
10 min AMRAP @ 80% effort:
4/2 Ring muscle ups
12 Red banded situps – anchored, no abmat
2 Rope climbs
12 Box jump / step downs 24/20″ (step ups are also Rx for this WOD today)
*Scale MU’s to 5 strict pullups + 5 strict dips

***Rest exactly 5 mins before starting WOD B***


The Wolf of Cordova Street
20 min AMRAP:
30 Cal Row
100′ Sled push 110/70lb
15 Burpees
20 Cal Assault bike
15 Ball slams 40/30lb