(10 mins total)
Dynamic hamstrings / lower back, alternating with upper body bench prep: Toe touches, Pec stretches, iron cross, shoulder extension from bridge position etc.

Warmup barbell exercises, start EMOM by 20 mins in


Alt. EMOM x 15 mins
1) Deadlifts*
*Less than 1 year lifting: 5 reps @ a moderate-heavy weight, building if needed
*Experienced lifters: 3 reps @ 75-80% across, add a 2″ deficit if possible, not T&G
2) Bench Press – 5 reps newer lifters, 3 reps experienced lifters
3) 1-3 Rope Climbs – legless or with legs

Deadlift x 3

Deadlift x 5

Bench Press x 3

Bench Press x 5


Lunging Through The 6ix
18-15-12-9-6 reps for time:
Handstand Pushups (4″ deficit for guys)
Walking Lunges 32/24kg KB in goblet/front rack position
Toes to Bar