Explain WOD format FIRST

10-12 mins big dynamic warmup

Warmup WOD movements

The Terminator
For time:
50 Cal Row
50 Wallballs 20/14lb, 10′
40 Axel bar deadlifts 185/125lb
400m Sandbag run 70/45lb
30 Toes to bar
30 Thrusters 95/65lb
20 Burpees
20 Cal assault bike
10 Axel bar power cleans 185/125lb
10 Bar muscle ups
-Try to keep the rep scheme the same if possible, bring weight or progression down so that no exercise is too difficult or heavy.
-Newer lifters or anyone with flexibility issues etc. do not use an axle bar. Weight should be very comfrotable to move so scale accordingly
-Use the same bar that you deadlifted with for you power cleans
-Scale bar MU to chest to bars, regular pullups or ring rows

5 mins easy row, bike or jog
Crossover Recovery