Banded shoulder warm-up: pull aparts and presses
Midline warm-up: Hollow rocks, supermans and tuck-ups
Partner shoulder opener hanging from a pull-up bar (2 x 30s each)

Review TTB and Kipping HSPU


EMOM x 10 (5 set of each alternating)
A1) 8-15 x Toes to bar / Knees to elbows
A2) 8-10 x Kipping HSPU

– Start on either movement and alternate each min
– Sub HSPU to 3-5 reps of 5s controlled negative
– Add a deficit if 10 Kipping HSPU is easy for you


Spend 5 mins reviewing Rope Climb and single arm KB techniques, specifically the correct front rack position, clean, and push press / jerk variations. We want to see the bell returning to the front rack position, not the shoulders of these movements.

The Asphalt Jungle
Complete AMRAP in 25 min:
Run 500m
1 x Rope climb
12 x Single arm Russian KB swing (R)
9 x KB Cleans (R)
6 x KB Shoulder to overhead (R)
1 x Rope climb
12 x Single arm Russian KB swing (L)
9 x KB Cleans (L)
6 x KB Shoulder to overhead (L)
1 x Rope climb

Rx: 24/16kg Kettlebell
Sub Rope climb for 8 x Ring rows
Count a completed 500m Run as 1 Rep