DATE – Sunday Oct 5th  


Warm-up: Easy Row + dynamic hip + hamstring + low back w/u

Scapjacked – Activation


Mobility:  Banded pec opener, banded posterior chain floss


WOD A) Every 90s x 10 (5 alternating sets of each)

A1) Bench press x 5 (70-75% of 1RM)

A2) Sumo Deadlift x 5 (70-75% of 1RM DL)


WOD B) Every 90s x 10 (5 alternating sets of each)

B1) Dumbbell (or KB) pull-overs x 12-15

B2) Banded good mornings x 12-15 (try the double band variation if experienced)


WOD C) 3 sets:

20 x Barbell windshield wipers (10/side)

20 x Barbell side bends (10/side)

10 x Barbell ab roll-outs