
10 mins Dynamic


w/barbell, 1-2 rounds before adding weight:

10 Hang Muscle Cleans

5 Front Squats

10 Push Press

5 Split Jerk


WOD A) 2 Power Cleans + 1 Jerk (Split or Power): 20 mins to build to a max for the day (Review tech with newer lifters only)


WOD B) 3 sets:

1) Split Press x 5 reps

2) GHD Hip Extension x 10-20 reps (Use a 10-25lb Plate)






DATE – Sunday – WOD


Warm-up) 2 Rounds (5 mins):

5 Medball Cleans

5-7 Ring Rows

8-10 Pushups

10 Ball Slams



Pre Squat Hip Opener

Shoulder Stretch w/band


*8 mins to warmup for WOD A*


WOD A) For time (10 min cap):


5-4-3-2-1 Squat Clean Thrusters 185/125lb

10/8/6 Chest to Bars Pullups (each round. Adv/Int/Beg – Scale to regular Pullups)


WOD B) 4 Rounds:

Hill Sprint with Sandbag 70/45lb

Hill Sprint without Sandbag

*8 sprints in total. Rest is walk down the hill