DATE – Tuesday


Warm-up: Quick dynamic warm-up – shoulder/core focused


Mobility: Lacrosse ball into pecs on post working into flexion & extension.


WOD A) Bench Press – warm-up to 65-75% of 1RM: (5-7 min) then;

Every 2 min for 5 rounds complete:

5 x bench press, followed immediately by 15 x Heavy (unbroken) Kettlebell swings


(Partner up and start sets on alternating minutes)



WOD B)  

4 rounds for max reps: (16 mins)

45s – Ring Dips  (static or parallette dips)

15s – Rest

45s – Sandbag lunges (static/back rack)

15s – Rest

45s – Row for Calories

75s – Rest


(Start on any of the stations but rotate through in order, resting together (note: 1 min extra rest at the end of each round))