

Warmup) 2 Rounds:

100’ Butt Kicks, 100’ High Knees

5 Lateral Lunges each side

14-16 Jumping Lunges

8-10 Banded Steps Forward/Back/Left/Right

10-15 Air Squats


WOD A) Wendler Back Squat (18-20 mins): work out the following percentages using 90% of your 1RM


**4-5 Warmup sets of 5-3 reps at 40-65%**


5 reps @ 75%

3 reps @ 85%

1+ reps @ 95% – MAX EFFORT SET

*Rest 2-3 mins between working sets


WOD B) 10,9,8,7…1 reps for time:

Barbell step back lunges 155/105lb (back rack position, taken from the ground)

KB Swings 32/24kg

Calorie Row