Monday June 30th, 2014


Warm up:  3 min dynamic running lengths +

10 leg swings (F/B + L/R), 10 Sampson lunge, 10 jumping lunges,

10 banded steps (F/B + L/R), 10 Banded glute bridge, 10 Banded knee squats


Mobility: Pre-squat hip opener lunge + down dog (open shoulders, hamstrings, calves)


WOD B: Wendler back squat – Cycle 3, Week 3 (18 min)

3-5 warm-up/building sets (rest 60-90s) then;

5 @ 75%

3 @ 85%

1+ @ 95%


(Rest 2-3 min between 3 working sets. % Based off of your new training max.)


WOD B: 4 rounds for total reps completed: (16 mins)

1 min – max Axle bar overhead static lunge steps (115/75)(Blues/Greens)

1 min – max Toes to bar

1 min – max Wallballs (20/14lb)

1 min rest


(Stagger the start so that all athletes start on the lunge steps each round (regular bars may be used as well). If overhead lunges are too challenging due to mobility, switch to front rack lunge.)