


Hip circles/leg swings/calf stretch


2 Rounds:

3 laps of rig running drills

8-10 lateral squats

8-10 jumping squats

10-12 jumping lunges


WOD A) (Wendler) Back Squat (18 mins):


6-8 reps @ approx. 50%

4-6 reps @ approx. 60%

3 reps @ 70%

3 reps @ 80%

3+ reps @ 90% – max effort set


WOD B) 4 Rounds:


14 Bulgarian Split Squats (7 per leg) w/kb in goblet position – choose a weight that will be challenging but unbroken

100’ Sled Push – choose a weight that will be fast and allow for a quick turnaround

-Rest 90 secs-


**Cool-down with an easy row/jog and stretch:

quads, calves and glutes