DATE – Saturday June 21st


Warm-up/Mobility: 7-10 min of dynamic lengths + hip, shoulder and calf prep


WOD A) 12-15 min of “free time” to work on some gymnastics  ‘or’ mobility drills/skills of you choice. Work on your known weaknesses, skills, or positions of restriction. (Handstands, muscle-ups and/or transition work, skin the cat/levers, pistols etc.)


Review WOD B movements:



50 Doubleunders

20 Dumbbell hang squat cleans (Rx: 45/30, but choose your own suitable weight)

50 Doubleunders

20 Strict pull-ups

50 Doubleunders

20 Dumbbell static forward lunge steps (Same DB’s by your side)

50 Doubleunders

20 Box jumps (30/24”)

50 Doubleunders

20 Push-up burpee deadlifts (Same DB’s Rx 45/30)


For those not proficient at doubleunders please scale to 35-20 each round, or 100 singleunders. Should be no more that 90s per round.