
5 mins Dynamic lengths

Shoulder stretch w/bands

Pre-squat hip opener


WOD A) Snatch:

2×2 @ 75%

2×2 @ 80%

3×1 @ 85%

*Rest 60-90 secs between sets


WOD B) 3 sets:

Snatch Balance x 3 reps

Halting Snatch Pulls – 3 seconds above knee x 3 reps



DATE – Sunday – WOD



Lacrosse ball pecs & rear delts – 90 secs each

Band Pull-aparts



1) Bench Press: 5 x 5 – heavy as possible

2) Bent Row (pronated): 5 x 6-8 – heavy as possible

*Alternate exercises, resting 60 secs between


WOD B) For time:


3 Rope Climbs

25 Hand Release Pushups

200’ KB Carry 24/16kg – one overhead and one held by side, alternate after 100’

25 Toes to Bar

200m Sandbag Carry Heavy/Light – Front Rack

25 Hand Release Pushups

200’ KB Carry 24/16kg – one overhead and one held by side, alternate after 100’

25 Toes to Bar

3 Rope Climbs