DATE – Thursday February 6th


Warm-up: Dynamic warm-up (Leg / hip / thoracic focused)


Mobility: Lacrosse ball glutes + TFL

Couch stretch 90s/side


WOD A) Week 2/Day 2 – Front Squat/Back Squat cycle (22 mins)

Complete 3 sets of: 7 FS + 13 BS at 95% of weight used on Monday / or 70% of 1RM FS if missed Monday session.

– Rest 4-5 min between sets –


WOD B) 10 min AMRAP:

15 Kettlebell swings (24/16kg)

12 Static Lunge w/ KB in goblet hold (6/leg)

10 Hand release push-ups


– Rest 2 min –


WOD C) Cool down – NFT: 500m jog + 50-70 Hollow rocks