DATE – Tuesday


Warm-up/Mobility: 2 rounds with a light/moderate KB

10 Russian swings

10 Windmills (5R/5L)

10 Halos (5 each direction)

10 Snatches (5R/5L)(Sub single arm swing)

20 Mountain climbers (10/side)

200m Run


10 min to tech/warm up t’n’g power cleans (build to above WOD weight). Review other WOD movements and format.


WOD A) 3 x 5 min AMRAP’s – record max reps completed in each stage (25-30 min)


A1) In 5 min: Row (800/700m – 3 min max) then AMRAP Power Clean (135/95lbs) in time remaining.

(Competitors/Rx+ 165/115lb)


– Rest 5 min –


A2) In 5 min: Run 800m then AMRAP Chest to bar Pull-ups

(Competitors/Rx+ Bar muscle ups)

(Slower runners – 600m only)


– Rest 5 min –


A3) In 5 min: 200 Doubleunders then AMRAP Burpees two hand touch to 6” target

(Scale doubleunders accordingly. Maximum 3 min skipping)


(Split classes larger than 10 into 2 heats and stagger 2nd group by 5 min. Partner up with someone using the same weight.)