DATE – Tuesday December 9th  


Warm-up: Dynamic lengths (LB + midline focused) (3-5 mins) +

10 of each: Banded knee: side / front / back steps, glute bridge, air squat


Mobility: Down dog, pre-squat hip-opener lunge, post squat hold


WOD A) 25 min to establish a 1 RM back squat.


WOD B) Complete for time: (15 min time cap)

50-40-30-20-10: Doubleunders

10-8-6-4-2: Squat clean (Rx+ 155/105, Rx: 135/85)


– Scale double unders in half for intermediates (or double the # of single unders).

– Squat clean should be heavy, but no more that 65-70% of 1RM.

– Cool down/flush 1km row – 60-70% effort –