DATE – Sunday – STRENGTH Clean & Jerk



10 mins dynamic including banded good mornings, glute bridge, side steps, overhead press

Front rack floss w/PVC pipe


WOD A) (20 mins) 2-position Clean (floor, above knee) + 1 Jerk: 5-6 working sets @ 70-80% max. C&J


WOD B) 4 alt. sets:

1) Push Press x 5 reps – heavy

2) Weighted GHD Hip Extension x 10-15 reps





DATE – Sunday – WOD skill / gymnastics / met-con



Band pull-aparts/rows etc.

Hip opener lunge


WOD A) Alt. EMOM x 15 mins (5 sets each)



1) Strict Muscle Up x 1-3 reps

2) Strict Toes to Bar x 3-5 reps

3) Pistols (weighted if possible) x 3-5 reps each leg – doesn’t have to be alternating



1) False Grip Ring Pullup or Ring Row x 4-6 reps

2) Hanging Straight Leg Raises – strict x 3-5 reps

3) Pistols to a box/bench or Lateral Box Step-ups x 3-5 reps each leg – doesn’t have to be alternating


WOD B) Victory Square Hill Sprints x 8 Rounds