
2 rounds:

8-10 hip circles each direction

Banded lower body warmup x 8-10 reps each;

Steps left/right, front/back, glute bridge, good morning, squats

V-up x 8-10 reps

Superman x 8-10 reps



banded lower body stretch: hamstring/low back/groin x 30-40 secs each position



(20 mins) Sumo Deadlift:

1×5 @ 70%

1×4 @ 75%

2×3 @ 80-85%

3×2 @ 85-90%



5 rounds:

Hang power clean x 10 reps – heavy but must be unbroken

Toes to bar x 10 reps – try holding a med-ball between your feet if you can comfortably do 10 unbroken

Box jump x 10 reps 24/20″ – games standard

*60 seconds rest between rounds

*record total working time and weight for HPC in brackets



WOD C) weighted plank: 1 x 80-90 secs for max weight