Green band shoulder stretches (pecs, posterior, lats)

Red band shoulder warmups, tech lat pull-downs to hollow
BW warmups (bench dips, ring rows, box step-ups)

(17.5 mins)
1) E2.5MOM x 3 Sets:
Max reps strict dips (ring or bar)
8-12 Lat pull-downs to hollow
— rest an extra 2.5 mins between pt.1&2 —
2) E2.5MOM x 3 Sets:
8-12 Supinated ring rows @ 30X2 tempo
Max reps feet elevated box dips w/ 55/35lb plate on lap

– Aim for 8-12+ on ring/bar dips
– To elevate feet: hands on 20″ box, feet on bench

Alt. EMOM x 4 Sets of each (12 mins)
1) 30- 60 Double-unders
2) 10-15 Pike HSPU’s
3) 10 Alt. DB box step-ups

– Keep all exercises less than 45 secs so you get some rest
– Make Pike HSPU’s more challenging by bringing box higher, and holding hands on DB’s or parallettes
– Use 2 DB’s for step-ups, held by sides

3-4 Super sets:
8-12 DB French presses
12-15 Banded low rows
– rest 60-90 secs –