2 rds:
1 min Row
10 Goblet squats
10 Ring rows
10 Burpees
EMOM: Front Squat (5 x 5)
Rx+     135/95
Rx       115/75
No racks – Start from the floor
2 minute rest after 5th set
EMOM: Dumbbell Push Up (5 Sets)
10-20 reps – Pick a rep scheme you can stick with.
2 minute rest after 5th set
EMOM: Clean and Jerk (5 x 5)
Rx+     135/95
Rx       115/75
2 minute rest after 5th set
EMOM: Pull-ups (5 Sets)
10-15 Pullups or C2B pullups – Pick a rep scheme you can stick with.
Crossover Symmetry
Iron Scap
GHD Hip Extensions
30-50 reps