


3-4 mins freeze tag (stand and do shoulder circles if you get tagged)

Band shoulder stretches: anterior, posterior, lats


WOD A) 12 mins to establish a 1 RM strict pronated pull-up (Sub: 3 RM banded pull-up)


*Whichever progression/level you are at, start with some easier reps in the 5-3 rep range. Progressively make the reps more challenging by adding load by way of chains or weights hanging from belts, or moving to a thinner band. Take 4-5 attempts at a heavy 1 RM.


*If you are still working on getting your first strict pull-up, then build to the most challenging (thinnest band possible) for 3 consecutive reps.


*Retest from October 14th


WOD B) Alt. EMOM x 18 mins (6 sets each):


1) 6-8 Strict pullups + 10 v-ups (instead of banded, perform a 4-6 reps with a slight jumping start, or 15-20 secs chin over bar hold if jumping pullups are too difficult)

2) 30-50 Double unders (40-45 secs max)

3) 14 Single arm DB thrusters 45/30lb 7L/7R