DATE – Monday


Warm-up) 5-7 mins Dynamic lengths


Mobility) Hip Opener Lunge on box – target hip flexors, then pigeon, then hamstrings. 30-45 secs in each position per leg.


WOD A) Back Squat: 15 mins to work up to a heavy triple for the day


WOD B) For time:


3 Rounds:

10 Thrusters 95/65lb

6 Strict Burpees over-the-bar (each “strict burpee” is two pushups then jump over the bar)


-500m Row-


3 Rounds:

10 Thrusters 95/65

6 Strict Burpees over-the-bar


WOD C) 2 Rounds:

Max Unbroken Toes to Bar – rest exactly 2 mins between sets

*Record biggest set as a benchmark