Saturday, 13 August, 2016


1km Run

Dynamic full body stretch (pecs / hips / thoracic)

Review Power Cleans + Push-up / Squat standards and modifications



In team of 2, complete AMRAP in 5 minutes of:

3 x Power Cleans (135/95lbs)

6 x Push-ups

9 x Squats

– Rest 1 min, and repeat for a total of 5 rounds.

– Partners must alternate complete rounds only within the 5 min AMRAP.

– Count the total number of rounds + reps completed by your team.

– Pick up where you left off after the rest period to complete each round. (If partner B has completed 3 push-ups when rest is called, at the beginning of the next round partner B will complete 3 more push-ups and 9 air squats to complete the round before their partner takes over.)