DATE – Monday April 28th


Warm-up: 3 rounds NFT:

7-10 Push-ups

15-20 Hollow rocks

15-20s Handstand hold / wall walk


Mobility: Band pull aparts + presses


WOD A) Wendler Strict Press (15-17 min)

(% for this cycle will be based off of 90% of your 1RM. This will be referred to as your “training max”. For example, if your 1 rep max Strict Press is 100lb then you will use 90lb to calculate your working %)


Warm-up sets:

1×8-10 @barbell

1×5 @ 40-45%

1×5 @ 50-55%

1×3 @ 60%

*Rest 60s between warm-ups sets


Working sets:

1×3 @ 70%

1×3 @ 80%

1×3+ (ME set) @ 90%

*Rest 2-3 min between working sets

**Go hard on the ME set but stop when you feel like the next rep will cause your technique to breakdown


WOD B) 4 rounds for max burpees: (20 mins)

In 2:30 minutes:

Run 200m

10 Push press **

AMRAP Burpee over the bar in remaining time.


*Rest exactly 2:30 between rounds. Partner up on a barbell and alternate rounds.

Score is total # of completed burpees across the 4 rounds.


**Push press loading:

Adv: 155/105

Int: 125/85

Beg: 95/65 (or less)