Coach: demo rowing technique and positions then:
Partner up on a rower:
3 rounds alternating:
60s Row (60-70-80% effort)
Rd1) Leg swings & Hip rotations
Rd2) Shoulder & Thoracic rotations
Rd3) Scorpions & Iron crosses

Green band posterior chain and pec/shoulder stretch.
Review burpee standards, technique, and efficiency and review WOD strategy/scoring

EMOM for 30 min (15 rounds of each alternating):
Odd: Row 15 Cals
Even: 15 burpees

Pick a number of each movement that you believe you can sustain over the course of the entire workout.
Score like a tabata workout. Combine your lowest scored round of both movements.
eg: If you are holding 11 Calories, and 12 burpees by the last rounds (or any low round) then your score would be 23. 30 is the highest score possible.
(Workout credit: CFNE / CompTrain)
(Last completed: March 12, 2022)

Roll, Stretch, Mobilize
and/or work on a weakness