DATE – Tuesday



5 mins dynamic hip/lower body warmup


2 Rounds:

10 Single leg box step up – complete 5 on one leg before switching. Height determined by stability/strength.

15-20 sec Hollow Rock or Flutter Kick

10 KB Squat – One KB in front rack position, 5 each side

5 Wall Angels

*Focus on controlled movement with all of the exercises


WOD A) Back Squat: Based off 1RM Sept 9/13

10 reps @ 60%

10 reps @ 65%

10 reps @ 70%


WOD B) 1 minute per station for max reps, 3 Rounds:


Alternating Reverse Lunges 135/95lb barbell – front rack

Toes to Bar

Weighted Abmat Situps 20/14lb med-ball – touch behind head and in front of toes. DO NOT bounce ball, make it as challenging as possible. Only add weight if appropriate.

Ball Slam 40/30lb

-Rest 1 min-


WOD C) Easy jog around the block + couch and pigeon stretch! 2-3 mins per side