DATE – Thursday



3-4 mins knee tag, all vs. all – 5 jumping jacks if you get tagged

Shoulder Stretch with bands


WOD A) 10-15 mins skill practice; choose a skill you need to work on:


Double Unders

Rope Climb

Muscle Up




WOD B) For time:


400m Run

15 Burpees

30 Ball Slams 40/30lb

1 Rope Climb (5 Ring Rows or 3 Pullups)

400m Run

15 Burpee Ball Slams 40/30lb

2 Rope Climbs (10 Ring Rows or 6 Pullups)

400m Run

2 Burpee toe touches then 10 Wallballs 20/14lb x 5 sets

1 Rope Climb (5 Ring Rows or 3 Pullups)

400m Run



WOD C) Banded Plank 3×45-60 secs – Alternate with partner