DATE – Tuesday Sept 30th  


Warm-up: Crossover symmetry activation + dynamic hip and shoulder warm-up. (10 min)


WOD A) EMOM x 12 (4 alternating rounds)

A1) Strict pull-ups x 5-7 (weighted if possible)

A2) Ring dips x 5-7 (@2,1,X,2)(Banded static dips as sub)

A3) Double unders x 30-40 (or practice for 30-40s)


WOD B) 4 sets for time:

Row 300m/250m

20 Kettlebell swings (24/16kg)

10 Box jump over’s (30/24”)


– Rest 2 min between each round –


(Subtract the 6 min rest (+ stagger start time) from finish time for final score)