12-15 mins
Band shoulder warmup: overhead raises / circles, BTN press, rotator cuffs etc.

Hip openers for Front Squat

Front Squat x 5
A) Front Squat (20 mins total)
A1) In 12 mins-ish build to a heavy/5RM Front Squat for the day – don’t fail

A2) In remaining time perform 3 sets of 5 reps at 90% of A1

All of The Snatches
12 min AMRAP with a partner, spliting reps evenly
16 Snatch Grip Deadlifts 135/95lb
12 Hang Power Snatch
8 Overhead Squats
*Partners can do as big or small a set as they like, but both partners must complete 8 deads each before moving to the HPS, and so on. Cycle as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 mins.
*Choose a weight that you could complete your first couple of rounds in no more than 2 sets on each exercise, even if you chooose to divide it a different way. Ideally one barbell but two is allowed if there is a big strength difference

3 sets:
6-10 GH Raises
40 secs weighted plank

Crossover Iron Scap after 3 rounds