DATE – Tuesday

Warm-up: Quick dynamic shoulder warm-up

Mobility: 2 alternating sets – (use small plates, focus on scapular retraction on both movements)

2 x 8/side Trap 3 raise @ 3,1,2,1 – Rest 30s

2 x 8/side Powell raise @ 3,1,2,1 (use a bench w/ one end up on 12” box/plates) – Rest 30s

WOD B) 10 min EMOM – 5 alternating sets

A1) Double KB push press x 5 (@ 2,1,X,1)

A2) Toes to Bar x 8-12

– 1s pause at the bottom and top position of the KB Push press to ensure correct front rack and overhead grip on KB’s. 2s controlled lower to front rack.

– Work on the beat swing and linking T2B together smoothly

WOD B) For Time:


40 Pull Ups

30 Burpees


10/7 Muscle Ups (15 Ring Rows / 15 Dips)

-Rest 3 Min –

20 Pull Ups

15 Burpees


5/3 Muscle Ups (10 Ring Rows / 10 Dips)

Score is total time to complete minus the 3 min rest period.

WOD C) (Optional)

50 x GHD Sit-ups for time

(Experience athletes only! Scale to 30 reps or do weighted sit-ups)