Friday, 6 October, 2017

Big dynamic warm-up and stretch out.
Review 3 EMOM movements and scaling options.

A) EMOM x 10 (5 rounds each alternating)
A1) 15-20 Wallballs (you pick the weight/height)
A2) 10-15 Toes to bar / knees to chest

– Rest 5 mins –

B) EMOM x 10 (5 rounds each alternating)
B1) 10-15 Cal Assault bike sprint
B2) 12-14 Double KB Russian Swing + Double KB front rack hold for remainder of the minute

– Rest 5 mins –

C) EMOM x 10 (5 rounds each alternating)
C1) 12-14 Overhead plate alternaing lunge steps + Static overhead hold for remainder of the minute
C2) 30-50 Doubleunders
Scale movements / reps / holds as needed so that consistency and quality is maintained across each set.
Start on any one of the 3 x EMOM’s and rotate. You can also partner up on a EMOM station and start on opposite movements.

Crossover Symmetry “Recovery”