DATE – Friday Oct 3rd  


Warm-up: Quick dynamic lengths +

12 reps of each:

Leg swings

Jumping lunges

Hip circles (6/direction)

Hollow rocks

Jumping squats

Superman lifts


Mobility: Hip Opener sequence (foot up on a bench or box)


WOD A) Testing: 1RM Back squat (25 min)

Suggested loading:

5-7 @ 55-60%

3-4 @ 65-70%

2-3 @ 75-80%

2 @ 85%

1 @ 90%

1 @ 95%

1 @ 95-100%

1 @ 100-105%


Rest 2-2:30 between sets or as needed (a bit less at the start, a bit more towards the end.


WOD B)  4 alternating sets:

B1) Axle bar front rack walking lunge steps x 10 (5/leg)

Rest 30s

B2) GHD Weighted Hip extensions x 10 (@ 2,1,1,1)

Rest 1 min


(Attempt to add weight each set. Record heaviest set completed for B1)