DATE – Thursday



5 min – Roll out quads + calves (roller or barbell)



2 rounds of:

10 Bulgarian split squats (5r/5l) – no weight, slow and controlled (sub static lunge)

20 clamshells (10r/10l)

20 thoracic rotations (10r/10l)

10 Glute bridges


WOD A) Front Squat x 6 sets:

5 @ 75%

4 @ 80%

3 @ 85%

2 @ 90%

1 @ 95%

5 @ 75%



15 min AMRAP:


2 x 15’ Rope climb

4 x Wall walks

8 x Toes to bar

16 x Lateral single leg box step-ups (24”or 20” – height dependant)(8R/8L)

32 x Doubleunders