



2-3 mins Running Drills


Teams of 3-4 Relay, 3 Rounds each:

1) 50’ Bear Crawl + 10 Ball Slams (run back each time)

2) 50’ Frog Leap + 10 V-Ups holding ball over chest

3) 50’ Backwards Bear Crawl + 10 Jumping Squats holding ball


WOD A) For time:


40 Cal Row

30 Burpee Plate Jumps 45lb plate – two foot jump/land, hips must extend on top of plate

20 Wallballs 20/14lb

10 KB Swings 32/24kg


-Rest 3 mins-


40 Cal Row

30 KB Swings 32/24kg

20 Burpee Plate Jumps

10 Wallballs 20/14lb


-Rest 3 mins-


40 Cal Row

30 Wallballs 20/14lb

20 KB Swings 32/24kg

10 Burpee Plate Jumps