5 mins running & jumping drills



What Do You Mean?

90 secs per station, 3 Rounds for total reps (18 mins):

1) Assault Bike

2) 50′ Shuttle Runs

3) Row

4) Box Jump Overs 24/20″

*Start on any station but MOVE IN ORDER. Do not try to set out of the gate too fast, treat this like an 18 min jog, looking for a sustainable pace from the get go



604 Deadlift / Clean Complex

E90SECS x 7 sets (10.5 mins):

7 Deadlifts

5 Hang Power Cleans

3 Power Cleans

*Rules to get your complex “Rx”:

-Same weight must be used across all 7 sets

-All 15 reps must be unbroken, every round

-If you have to break a set or drop the weight down then record your weight used but not as Rx



3 rounds:

Max GH Raises

5 KB Arm Bars with 5 sec hold each rep – complete all 5 on one arm before changing to the other