Has anyone told you guys lately that you are amazing box owners. Well you
are. Thank you for all you do and all you give to your members.

Given my need to modify for double unders, step ups to a 20″ box have
slowed me down in the past. Today I used the 12″ box and I was able to
get some speed, which challenged me on a different level. So thank you
again for all you do everyday.

This morning one of the members said in the lounge, “even though there
are 90+ members here, I feel like I get coached as if there was less than
10, in fact it is probably even better. I never feel like a number to
help them break even or make a profit, I feel like RIley and Jason and
all the coaches genuinely care about me as an individual and a member of
the gym”.

You guys have changed the face of crossfit in Vancouver, congratulations!
