DATE – Monday



2 round of: High knees + butt kickers + Sampson Lunge x 50’ each,


Bulgarian split squat x 8/side (light KB or no load, @3,1,1,1)

Thoracic rotations x 6-8/side

Banded good mornings x 12-15



Banded pre-squat hip opener lunge (band pulling back and out into external rotation) x 90s/side

Banded front rack x 60s/side


WOD A) Squat Cycle – Week 4 / Day 1: 4 x 4/8 @ 80%

(4 sets of: 4 front squats, followed by 8 back squats @ 80% of your 1RM front squat)

(Rest 4-5 min between sets – 25 min)


WOD B) 3 Rounds for time: (12 min time cap)

25 x Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

25 x Wallballs (20/14lb)


WOD C) 3 x 20-25 Ab-mat sit-ups (not for time, rest 1 min between sets)