Every once in a while I get an email from one of our members… and it lights up my day like an explosion! Tim Ames, you made my day today buddy.
In so many ways Crossfit has changed my life for the better,  without all of your amazing coaching I would not have made it this far.  Tomorrow is 1 year since I signed up and in keeping my promise not to worry about weight for the first year I have not really pushed to increase weight on the bar.  I am going to now slowly increase the weights and keep the form. 
A massive shout of love and appreciation for caring about making me better.  
Ps we are buying a condo and one of the must have’s on our list. Less than 10 minutes from CF 604. If you would have said we would choose a home based on our gym last year I would have said “F**k off” now just ” it all makes sense”