DATE – Monday December 8th


Warm-up: 3 rounds:

– 1 min skipping / double under practice

– Wall walk into 20-30s nose to wall handstand hold


Mobility: 60s overhead box stretch + dowel dislocates and front rack stretch


WOD A) Push press – Every 90s x 9 sets

5, 5, 5, (60-70%)

3, 3, 3, (70-85%)

1, 1, 1 (85-100%)



WOD B) 2 x 6 min AMRAP’s (15 min)

B1) 6 min AMRAP:

12 x Pull-ups

8 x Handstand push-ups (Kipping allowed)


-Rest 3 min-


B2) 6 min AMRAP:

15 x Kettlebell Swings (32/20kg)

10 x Burpee box jumps (24/20”)



WOD C) 5 rounds – no score: (5 min)

20s Hollow Rock/hold

10s rest

20s Front Plank hold

10s rest