DATE – Sunday Aug 24th


Warm-up: 2 rounds of: 250-300m Row + Dynamic shoulder/leg movements


Mobility: Roll-out: quads, glutes, lats, upper back (thoracic opener)

Pre-squat hip prep


WOD A) Power Clean + Hang Clean + Clean x 8 sets


1 @ 60%

1 @ 65%

1 @ 70%

1 @ 75%


1 @ 80%

1 @ 85%

1 @ 90%

1 @ 90%


PC + HC should be linked, rest 5-10 seconds and re-set before full clean


WOD B) EMOM x 10:

1 x Split Jerk


Experienced guys/girls start 100/50 lbs under your PR and add 10/5lbs each set if successful. Beginners start light as add weight as needed based on technique.


WOD C) 3 rounds:

C1) 6-8 x GH Raises @3,1,1,1

Rest 30s

C2) Weighted Plank 45-60s

Rest 1min