DATE – Thursday Aug 21st


Warm-up/mobility: Dynamic lengths + banded knee glute activation + pre-squat prep (10min)


WOD A) Back Squat  – Every 2 minutes x 7 sets (14min)

65% x 5

75% x 4

80% x 3

85% x 2

85-90% x 1

90-95% x 1

90-95% x 1


Rest 2-3 min, then WOD B.


WOD B) Back Squat – AMRAP @ 85% (@ 2,0,X,1)


You must maintain a consistent tempo on this set with only a 1 second pause at the top of each rep. Just enough time to breath and brace. No waiting around for you legs to recover… If you take longer than this your set is over! Stop 1 short of failure, or when you feel your form is deteriorating.



WOD C) AMRAP30s work / 30s rest x 15 min (5 sets each alternating, 15 min)

Sandbag walking lunge steps (Back racked – 70/45)

Wallballs (Adv: 30/20, Int: 20/14, Beg 14/8)

Toes to Bar


– Start on any of the stations and rotate through 5 rounds in order.

– Combine total reps completed for a final score.

– Record completed reps for each movement during the 30s rest period.