Shoulder Circles, Gas Pedal, Wall Angels
Hip opener lunge

2 Rounds – easy pace first round, increase second round
200m Run
2 UB Turkish Get-Ups per arm
8-10 KB SDHP
8-10 KB Push Press per arm
8-10 Wallballs
8-10 Cal Row
-Rest 1 min-


Fight Gone Bad

3 Rounds of 1 min per station for total reps, rest 1 min between rounds:
Wallballs 20/14lb
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55lb
Box Jumps 20″
Push Press 75/55lb
Row Cals

Partner up and stagger by 3 mins – partner 1 is starting Push Press when partner 2 is starting Wallballs.


3 Sets:
15-20 GHD Hip Extensions
40-60 Secs Weighted Plank
2-3 Crossover Recovery exercises each round